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Looking for a relaxing afternoon

2018 год, 17 Января, 15:19

Ой харэ. Нах пиздеть. Скажи Дрочер. Делать нехер вот и пишу. Деп.

2018 год, 17 Января, 16:07

Хорошо сказано выше:

"А вот и иностранцы,... Так вот для кого это и те самые 500 тг... "

А вдруг они повелись на обещанные 500 тг., и рассчитывают на такую же цену здешних услуг???

2018 год, 17 Января, 16:43

Here are the foreigners!!! Everyone bash the foreigner lol

Whats wrong with the foreigners?

2018 год, 17 Января, 16:49

Не дид мынау?

2018 год, 18 Января, 13:50


Great plan)

Truly authentic experience would be with locals. I welcomed friends of mine from USA and Europe 2 years ago. They were so happy))

Well, no idea… Oh, hold on. AirBnB might help you, or look at http://www.walkingalmaty.com/ http://facebook.com...ngalmaty Dennis Keen knows Almaty better than residents, but there is no sex tour))

Nobody bashes foreigners until s/he obeys rules. I mean common sense. If more, read What not to do when visiting you country KZ at Quora.com

I think, taxi drivers and whores will overcharge you, just because you are American)) Try to negotiate with whores and use YandexTaxi/Uber.


Any question? Feel free to PM.

P.S. I studied CS & Economics in Boston. I miss my classmates!

2018 год, 18 Января, 16:36

Go Crazy -- Thanks so much!! Im really looking forward to the trip. I've been traveling around the world when I can and I love going off the beaten path. As an American I am accustomed to being over charged and for the most part I'm ok with it. In my opinion everyone needs to make a little money.

I'll check out the links you sent -- Thanks for your follow up!

2018 год, 19 Января, 10:27


That's so generous, have fun in Almaty!

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