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Looking for a relaxing afternoon

2018 год, 15 Января, 21:57

Is there a place in Almaty that me and a friend can go for an afternoon of relaxation with female companionship. Maybe a sauna, steam bath, Jacuzzi, spa day where a beautiful woman will tend to our every need physically and sexually? Of course we would need English speaking girls.

Thanks, Will

2018 год, 15 Января, 22:40

There's a fuck tone, Will, oh you are missing out. In fact, places like that are one of the only few viable businesses in this economically inert country. That's the sad truth.

I would recommend using google translator on this website in order to figure things out. There are countless "massage salons" that "do not offer intimacy" and yet if the girls see you're a bunch of foreigners (hopefully, with tons of cash? ) they will def let you in, if you know what I mean.

Additionally, you could rent a place like that - there's myriad of them, you'd just have to know russian I guess. Ideally, you'd find a place, rent it, and tell the administrator to call the girls. It depends on your mastery of the language, as 99% of these places don't cater to foreigners (I think, as there are fewer and fewer every year).

As another, more awkward and extreme option, I would be willing to perhaps show you around this town, for a modest economic reward, and organize everything for you. Since I am bored and I think this will be a fun way to get to know some foreigners in this town.

Let me know, direct message.


2018 год, 15 Января, 22:41

Side note: English-speaking priestesses of love are traded at a premium as well.

2018 год, 16 Января, 00:02

Thanks Richards, I figure incall would be my best bet but I was thinking there may be a brothel that would be a little more fun. I'll consider the private message. Thanks!

2018 год, 16 Января, 00:02

Any suggestions on where to go?

2018 год, 16 Января, 00:07

Brothels aren't the best option around here to be frank. You don't wanna be there. Saunas/Spas are different.

I'm too tired at this point to link anything here, maybe tomorrow.

Good luck

2018 год, 16 Января, 06:09

Блядь, будто иностранные порно сайты попала...

2018 год, 16 Января, 07:28


2018 год, 16 Января, 08:12

С Тараза чтоли приехали?

2018 год, 16 Января, 08:16

Почему именно Тараз?

2018 год, 16 Января, 08:19

Ну это так, к слову. Видно же что эти два лошка решили иностранцами прикинуться, типа щас все потекут

2018 год, 16 Января, 08:23


Иностранцы стали жадные блядь.

Кое как 200$ вытаскивают... Вот раньше можно было их крутить)

2018 год, 16 Января, 08:41

Они всегда были жадными вообще то))))

2018 год, 16 Января, 08:56

Работал часто с иностранцами по молодости переводчиком... По степени жадности... 1. Японцы 2. Китайцы. 3. Американцы. 4. Немцы. А самые нормальные клиенты которые копейки не считали оказались евреи...

2018 год, 16 Января, 09:06

Немцы щедрые))) особенно когда выпьют Шнапс!

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