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2017 год, 3 Февраля, 17:56

@teddy man, sorry to repeat so late.

I don't know the clubs name because i drunk so much.

I just remember she is not very tall, maybe 160cm, wear a white sweater with long blond hair, just remember this information.

I came here just want to know if all these girls information is real, can complain with my russian language.

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 15:44

Thanks for ur comfort, man~

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 12:21

@teddy yeah you are right, the most important thing is i am really a bad russian speaker. And i couldn`t make some jokes with them.

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 12:02

@lana its ok, and im really glad you can repeat me. For my poor language, i just give up to hang out with these beautiful girls. And i know these beautiful girls thought its very boring to talk to me.

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 11:58

@teddy hi buddy, i am really happy you said you can help me, but its not the point. Because its so loud in the club. I just came here to complain with my language. And thanks again my bro!!!

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 10:55

Sorry about @Лана7 @ you.

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 10:52

Oh and i use google translate, the website is really shit, i mean, i already give up......

2017 год, 2 Февраля, 10:49

I really dont know the name, maybe its called ШАТУМИМ....

2017 год, 1 Февраля, 19:18

Hello guys, i really confused that all these girls information is real? And i also a bad russian-speaker, who can save me....

Last night i went to a club and dance with a lovely girl, but she speak english really bad, i dont know what she said, just like "go hell"or "go hotel" lol

And say hello to everyone again, good night.